Friday, March 30, 2012

My First Ride!

Sebastian has been ridden by James Cooler for a few months now but today I saddled him up and walked him around the field!  My horse turns four June 18th and I think he is now at least 16 hands. The vet is visiting in April and I will have Sebastian measured.

Quite a different feel than riding Oberon, my 14'2" QH!  Sebastian was a bit of a "drunken sailor" but very responsive to my light pressure.  I can see what he needs now is just ... time and hours upon his back.  He is very, very happy to walk along FOREVER and for now, that is FINE by me :)

Sebastian is a bit "down hill" still and has a slight dip behind his withers and I'm hoping he will grow and fill out a tiny bit more as I'd love to have the saddle fit him a bit better.  I'm going to post about that piece of "equipment" soon.


  1. Oh, how cool!!!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Margaret! How exciting for you!!! He is such a handsome big fellow. I just showed my 92 year old Mom pictures of Sebastian and Oberon, and she can't stop praising how lovely they look, asking dozens of questions. We both hope you get to enjoy many more rides as the weather turns to spring and summer.

  4. Your beautiful boy will grow out more for sure. There is a lovely lady up the road from me and she has four Friesian cross bred horses. Her oldest is about 7 and it is only now that Helen thinks he has stopped growing and filling out. At 4 they had the height but lacked the depth of body that make the friesian look. I think your horse is gorgeous and I'm sure you are going to really enjoy him as you get the miles under you belt.

  5. Congratulations on a very uneventful first ride. What a good boy!

  6. This is truly exciting Margaret, and Sebastian is such a beautiful creature!

  7. That is exciting! Are you going to take lessons on him or sign up for clinics? I'm hoping to do that with mine before she comes back from the trainer--lessons, that is.

  8. Yay, congratulations! That must have been wonderful for you :)

    Don't worry, your big boy isn't done growing yet, I bet his back will change for the better very quickly.

  9. How exciting!!! Congrats on your first ride. :D

    I love that first picture. He looks so handsome and they are so adorable together.
