Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Am I Impressive?

Sebastian sees "her" ... and tries to impress!  It is as if he is saying, I'm not just a horse...

I'm a Friesian!

 Click "Just Like a Woman" to see the "rest of the story" or scroll down to the post below.

This is my "baby".  Sebastian is not yet four and he is in training with James Cooler for about the next six months.  In the photo above he is being asked to back up and that is why his stance is a bit funny.  But I always think he looks gorgeous... even if his head should be lowered quite a bit here.  But he is learning.  

I'm linking the above up with "Creative Exchange" because I love the freedom and energy of my big black horse in this photo!  


  1. He is definitely a looker! I love the giant snip on his nose... super cute! :)

  2. He is gorgeous, no matter what he is doing! I just love black horses.

  3. Yep. Another beautiful black horse.

  4. What a handsome boy you have! His expression in the first photo reminds me a lot of my Scout, who is about the same age. What a sweet baby face.

  5. Speaking of a big black horse do you know how big Sebastian is? Whatever his size he is a very good looking horse.

  6. Gorgeous! I sure she was appropriately impressed. :D
