Monday, May 6, 2013



Seventh place, dead last,
sixth, fourth, two thirds,
smile upon her face, unforced;

perseverance, a beautiful canter,
a winning smile,
and their first blue ribbon.

Matches the one
she carries in her heart.

Margaret Bednar, May 6, 2013

Linked with Imaginary Garden with Real Toad's "Open Link Monday".

Haven't posted for a while, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy at the barn.  My daughter's have been working hard preparing for a few open shows.   Oberon has been "adjusting" to a tighter rein.  He's not as thrilled as the girls are, but he's been a good boy.   I will share some lessons with you in the next few posts...


  1. The photo of your handsome Oberon caught my eye in the blog roll. Glad to hear from you and looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  2. Love it! So glad to hear they're out showing and having so much fun together. The picture is beautiful!

  3. Love it! Jonah, our middle boy, will be in his first open show riding English in a few weeks. Can't wait to watch him.
