Sunday, February 24, 2013

Road to The Horse 2013

James Cooler was selected as one of eight qualifiers for the Wild Card entry for Road to the Horse 2014.  HERE is a description of the eight finalists.  They pick up their three year old colts March 17.

HERE are some of the horse people attending this year's celebration of the 10th Road to the Horse Competition.  I also heard Buck Branneman was going to be there... but I don't see his name on the website.  HERE is the weekend's agenda.

What is really fun for me is that the horse I used to own, Sebastian (above) was the colt used for the application video.   James Cooler is now starting a year's journal highlighting his one year journey with a 3 year old QH colt he will select and come home with from this year's Road to the Horse held in Lexington, KY, at the Kentucky Horse Park.  You can find it and updates on Cooler Horsemanship on Facebook HERE.

He will train the colt for a year and return next year (2014) and compete for "best hand" with the other eight for a wildcard entry into Road to the Horse 2014.

My blog friend and barn friend, Mary, explains it exceptionally well here at "Galloping Mind".  Not only is this post well done, but all her posts are informative and entertaining.  Please, check it out - you will be happy you did.  


  1. How cool is that! (pun intended!) Nice to see the lovely Sebastian again, he sure is coming along nicely.
    One of the other wild card contestants id Jim Anderson, from Alberta. I knew him when he was a little boy competing in the open shows, it sure is nice that he got selected too, Jim is a fine horseman.

  2. Awhhh, Sebastian looks so great!! Love it!! Thanks for the cool update!!

  3. Margaret, James has done a wonderful job with Sabastian. I would love to put this video up on our blog. Could you email me the code?
    thanks so much,

  4. Never mind, I found it on youtube. Thanks for letting me know it was up. What a good boy!

  5. It's Sebastian!!!! He doesn't want a barrel, he wants some Hoofsnax! :-)

    I love you, Sebastian sweetie!
