Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mare Stare, LLC - a live CAM! and a poem "A Common Bond"

A Common Bond

Nuzzling wobbly legs
supportive, she nickers

blocks perceived danger,
nips tender warning
upon youthful shoulder,

I send mine off,
weary with backpack
deadlines looming large.
Lighten her load
I offer help,
her youthful shoulder

A common bond shared
this mare and I.  Alas,
her sweet job's just begun
mine's run its course.

by Margaret Bednar

HERE is a site with a "streaming cam" that allows one to watch live a mare that is about to foal, foaling, or taking care of her newborn foal.  I am watching my friend's horse WRosieQ and two mares  at Premier Friesians Cam #1 and Premier Friesians Cam #2.   It will be so fun watching WRosie give birth and she is due very soon - we thought perhaps last night.

(If you are interested in watching the steam, click on the link and cursor down and select... they are not all activated... it depends upon the foaling schedule of each farm)

The photo above is one I took of WRosie "big and prego!" and will post more once she delivers.  Do any of you remember how you felt hours, days just before delivery!?

The poem is for "Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Ella's Edge - Writing Poetry from the Inside Out". I sort of followed the rules... it is raining outside so I used the "CAM" as my outside this morning and also used what was going on "inside" my world... taking my daughter back to college this morning.  (We live within 35 minutes of the school, and since she was sick, I wanted her home resting ... so I AM still needed... sometimes :)

I posted this on my photography/poetry blog, but thought this post fits in quite well here as well!  :)