Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Ha!  It should have read Santa and his Elves!  Oh well, I'm sure Oberon won't mind top billing.


  1. Oh Margaret!! I LOVE this photo!!! Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family - 2 and 4 legged!!

  2. Oberon has elves?? Lucky boy! Merry Christmas!

    Oh and to answer your question on my blog, we don't ride Faran (the percheron) yet, because he's a rescue who was abused and needs a lot of work. He has a page on my blog that gives his full history. He's is really pretty isn't he? I feel so lucky we ended up with him and I'm glad we're in a position to give him a forever home where he will never be abused again.

  3. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest! Merry Christmas to you and your family, human and equine:)

  4. This has to be the cutest picture I've seen in awhile!!! thank you for sharing!! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!

  5. CUTE!!!

    Sending friendships best to you and yours this season of Hope and Love and Light!
    KK and Wa mare~

  6. Great picture :)
    Merry Christmas and Happpy New Year!
