Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sebastian & Oberon meet

With a fence separating them, they seem to get along quite well.  They nuzzled and nipped throughout the day and even spent time in the head to tail position swatting away flies.

Sebastian (that is his new name - it means majestic, revered and is also a character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) seemed to calm down in Oberon's presence.  With the warm sun beating down, Sebastian even laid down flat on the ground and took a bit of a nap.

I hope all this "coziness" continues today as they are let out in their pasture together today.

My son was picking flowers for me, but Oberon spied them and "tiptoed" up behind him and blew down his neck.  Oh, Oberon, maybe I should have named you Puck after all!  (a mischievous character in Shakespeare's "Mid Summer Night's Dream".

Sebastian is very alert and at times looks like a dark statue as he takes in his new surroundings. 


  1. Glad they're getting on well so far! Nice photos.

  2. That's so awesome! Love the photo with your son:)

  3. Those are great photos. You are going to have that camera glued to you over the next while, because with two beautiful boys like that, how can you help but take a lot of photos!

  4. Sebastian is gorgeous,they both are!!! Love your photographs Margaret!

  5. These guys are clearly going to be buddies!
    I love the last picture (well, honestly- I love ALL of your pics) because Sebastian's mouth looks like it's curved into a precious little smile. Like he's looked around, met the neighbor (Oberon) and he likes his new home. Very settled & happy.

  6. They are both gorgeous. I'm sure they'll be the best of friends, eventually. Love the names.

  7. Looks like maybe they were meant to be brothers. :) They're both very handsome boys too!

  8. Pretty. And so pretty together! They look like they will be quite the pair. Love the pic of horse and boy.

  9. They are both gorgeous!! I love the photos and I hope they turn out to be best buds. Oh, and I love the name you chose for him!

  10. Hi Margaret,
    There's an award waiting for you at my blog, stop by and pick it up when you have the chance.

  11. They look like they are becoming quite comfortable with each other. Sebastian is such a beauty!
